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Grace Harbison

"Smile" - Uncle Kracker

Mornings are RB's favorite time of day. He wakes up and stretches, and he is all smiles! Watching this kid smile makes me smile so hard. How can such a precious little thing be our son? I bookmark these moments in my head and try to remember them on the nights he fights us on going to sleep. Or for when we're awake before the sun comes up, and my son is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

I'm not really drinking caffeine right now for fear of him drinking caffeine through my breastmilk, so I'm pretty much just raw dogging this whole sleep deprivation thing. I yawn like I'm getting paid for it and I literally daydream of napping. I reminisce about the days when my time was my own. I'm not complaining, or at least I'm not trying to. These are all facts. It's just wild to me that before we had RB, if I missed out on sleep, it affected me greatly - like it'd take me days to recover. Now, I sleep no more than 4 hours at a time, and I am not totally dying. He's an incredible source of energy for me. And his little smile in the mornings makes the long nights so damn worth it.

There's no real content to this post. Just that this kid and his smile, they make me smile.


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