​a mini van driving, wine drinking, mom of two still trying to
figure out what the hell is going on

Funny seeing you here
Welcome to my raw thoughts
If you're on this blog, chances are you know me. If not, nice to meet you. I'm Grace and I became a mom (will I ever get used to that word applied to me?) in November of 2022. My son, RB, is the greatest gift my husband and I have ever received from this vast universe. Keeping him alive and well is, well, fucking hard, and fucking worth it.
Now, I said you probably know me, so you shouldn't be surprised by my casual swearing. This blog will be different from my last. My last blog was a way for us to communicate how our move to the Caribbean was going, and those stories I wrote for others. This blog I'll be writing just for me. So that means I'll be saying whatever I want, however I want, and I will be doing my best to be unapologetic about it.
The idea for this blog came to me one of the many sleepless nights that are now my new norm. I was listening to music and the song playing hit me in a way it never had before. I can't remember the song (shit, I don't remember much of anything these days), but I remember thinking how songs really help to verbalize our feelings when we can't ourselves. In this blog, each post will be titled after a song that strikes a chord with how I'm feeling at the time of writing it. Sometimes it may be obvious, others not so much. I'll do my best to explain why I've chosen what I have in each post. Sometimes I'll remember to do so, sometimes I won't. It's really a crapshoot.
Now, I can't take credit for the title. We have a playlist on Spotify titled RB. Every time we ask Alexa (whom we affectionately call "The Witch") to play our RB playlist on Spotify, she responds, "Sure, here's Air Bae from Spotify." Could we change the title and make it easier for her to say correctly? Absolutely. Are we going to? Absolutely not. RB is my little Air Bae. The Witch is on the money with that.
Thanks in advance for reading. Let's get this bread (AKA let's raise this kid and try to keep Mommy and Daddy sane while we do it).