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Grace Harbison

"Mr. Sandman" - The Chordettes

Mr. Sandman did not stop by our house last night. Or maybe he did, but he certainly didn't dose RB well enough to get him through the night. Not that he's sleeping through the night. He's only 8 weeks old. We've had a pretty solid routine going though. Bedtime at 8pm, bottle at midnight, bottle at 3 or 4 am, then we're up around 7. It is exhausting but it's a dream compared to last night. Last night put us through the ringer.

He laid down at 8pm per usual. Everything was pretty good up until 1am, at which point RB apparently felt he'd had enough sleep and was ready to unleash baby hell on our world. I gave him a bottle and put him back down. We danced this dance every 30 minutes (give or take the bottle) until 6am. I was frustrated and frustrated for being frustrated. It always makes me feel absolutely terrible when I feel anything but joy relating to this kid. The mom guilt is so real. Anyway, at about 6, that's when I maxed out on my fuck it meter and laid on the couch with him. The sneaky little thing was quite pleased with this turn of events. He settled down around 7 and had a nice two hour nap. He woke up around 9, all smiles, like he hadn't been purposely trying to siphon my will to live all night.

I did some things at 6am to see if maybe gas was the issue. He hadn't exactly just been awake all night - he was awake with a vengeance. Turned out he did have a pretty gassy situation so taking care of that helped. Then came the boogers.

I can do pretty much any bodily fluid except snot. It literally makes me gag on sight. I'm sure this will be forcefully broken over my next few years of parenthood, but for now my snot aversion is still firmly in place. When RB woke up this morning, the snot was apparent. I could hear it. It needed addressing and I volunteered to address it.

We have those little snot suckers they give you at the hospital, but our precious son's nostrils are too small for it. I blame my husband's lineage for his adorable button nose. Those aren't a thing on my side of the tree.

We bought a Frida Baby snot sucker thing a few weeks back, and today it was put to the test. I used it. It worked. He was snotless. I almost threw up on the living room floor. No, nothing touched me. It was the mere sight of it that almost got me. Even typing this now I feel a tingle in my throat. Sick.

So, we de-boogered our son. We gave him another bottle. I did a fucking rain dance to get him to take a nap. Praise the gods it worked! He's still sleeping now. Let's hope it holds.

As for last night, I'm at a loss. Was it sleep regression? Was it gas? Is it a one off experience? Is this our new normal? I'm too scared to think about it too much. Only time will tell. Wish us luck. And please, Mr. Sandman, come back to us tonight.


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